Tuesday, March 24, 2015


01. soph is really into fairies and all things magical recently. she wrote to her fairy last week and asked what her name was, she was pretty sad when the fairy kept forgetting to write back. her fairy pulled through eventually. she must have just had a lot on her plate. 

 02. her and her friends spent hours making a little fairy house out of legos complete with a seashell path up to the front door and a sand back garden. it was pretty impressive. i love her imagination 

 03. i took the girls to see the new conderella movie yesterday and she was literally on the edge of her seat the entire time. right up her alley. when we got home nora started whining and hit esme and soph says "nora please remember to be kind and have courage" ha 

 04. the last day or two she has started with all kinds of sass. hopefully it is because she is overtired and not the beginning of a phase. it has been a good reminder though to enjoy the sweet sophie. who knows what is down the road

 05. sophs cute violin teacher miss mary, who we both adore, has decided to stop teaching for a little while. not sure we will find another teacher who compares. sophie took the news well initially, but after this mornings lesson she said "mum i just wish i could stay with miss mary forever." 


01. nora has been working so so hard to get the PRIDE award at school. she said she had really been trying to get her teacher to notice how good she was and so she was thrilled when last week she got it. That cute little face was just beaming with pride. love that determination of hers. it is going to get her places 

 02. she wasn't very well last week. had a fever and wanted to sleep all the time. poor thing. it was so sad to watch her. luckily she is over it now but is still trying to milk the special treatment

 03. nora has turned into a little social butterfly. just in the past month she always wants to have a friend or to see if she can ride her bike to our new neighbors house. she is so fun and loves to play rambunctious games with friends 

 04. yesterday it was just slightly warm and she insisted on having the hose under the trampoline and dish soap on to make it slippy. pretty soon there were 6 of them jumping around in the 60 degree weather with swimsuits on. ha ha 

 05. she has been pretending to sleep during dinner the last few nights. or during prayers. as soon as ti si something she wants to do though she perks right up, but then mysteriously gets all lathargic again when she is done. it's pretty amusing to watch her switch 


01. love having my little buddy with me in the mornings after the big girls have gone to school. she loves to wave out of the window as we drop the girls off "bye girls i wiw miss you". hahaha. so full of spunk that one 

 02. she is such a sweet girl to ford until he doesnt give her something or if I am helping him then she sneakily kicks him or jumps on his back. she has spent quite a bit of time on the naughty step over that this week 

 03. putting her down for naps is getting harder and harder too. she wants me to lay with her for the longest time then starts screaming when i leave the room. luckily she is still staying her bed. i don't think either of us will do well if she stops right now 

 04. she has a bubble machine for her birthday party this weekend because it is an Ariel party of course and is so entertained by it. she will stand and dance and twirl in the bubbles for a long time. it is kind of magical to watch her do it 

 05. she is always talking about her friends. it is always "coco says i should go play at her house" or "when can i go see oaklie" or "i'm going to give ty ty a big smooch next time i see him" ha ha. that girl


01. this boy is 10 months old. i can hardly believe it. he loves his mama, which i love more than anything

02. this week he has started saying "ba" when he sees a ball and then chases it. his daddy is proud 

03. he is pretty much mastered the full on crawl and given up the army crawl. he can get anywhere pretty fast. although i can't leave him to play anymore because he just crawls after me which i usually don't mind, but it is a pain when i am trying to get dinner ready

04. he has been refusing naps today. he just crawls around in his crib and plays but it has made for him being pretty cranky. heaven help me if this becomes a pattern

05. still won't touch any food on his plate except carbs. he gets pretty mad if you try and put fruit in his mouth

Thursday, March 5, 2015


01. she is such a little book worm lately. if we can't find her anywhere we know to look on the couch in her bedroom and sure enough there she usually is, curled up with a chapter book she is working her way through

02. sophie and esme have formed the sweetest little friendship over the past few months. soph has become like a second mum to her

03. before she goes to bed she goes into esme's room and hugs her and asks her if she wants her to get her out of bed in the morning

04.  she has been fighting me a lot on practicing violin. she is trying to learn a new song and when she get frustrated she shouts "i'm never going to get it" and of course that only makes me more determined to make her practice more. i know she will appreciate it one day but holy cow, those practices are going to be the death of me


01. she has gotten the roughest skin the last few weeks. she has patches of redness all over her face and her chest is all chapped from being so dry. of course she won't let me put any lotion on her though. surprise surprise

02. when she is describing something to us that is small she always always uses the word "speck" which i love. if we smile or show that we find it funny though of course she stops immediately

03. she is still like a little jumping jelly bean. she doesn't walk to the bathroom, she back handsprings there. her little calf muscles and abs are pretty incredible. i love how determined she is

04. she has been fighting me on going to gymnastics though revently because she says it "always gives her a headache". i mean i can see why. she us upside dodwn in the class most of the time but i'm not going to let her quit over it


01. i love that she is my little buddy every morning once the big girls have gone to school. she follows me round while i pick up the house and then we play and have one on one time and she is just the cutest, funniest little personality

02. she is super into princesses right now and is wanting to dress up as cinderella most days. i can't get enough of it. especailly when she starts dancing around like a princess in her attire. she is too much

03. she says cute little phrases like "oh my goodness", or "i'm so cheeky" or "can you help me by the way". she gets her little cheeks pinched and body squeezed a good majority of the day because is just so cute

04. she is so rough with ford. she acts like she is doing something nice like giving him a hug but it is always way harder than it needs to be or ends with her two hand shoving him or kicking him. i can't figure out why because i know she loves him. it just seems like she has so much pent up aggression around him or something


01. poor little guy is just coming off of a terrible two week stint of teething. he got three of his top teeth all at once and was miserable. luckily he seems much better today but he was pretty fiesty there for a while

02. when he sees something he wants to eat he flicks his tongue in and out like a little snake over and over

03. he does a half crawl, half army crawl wherever he goes. his favorite place to crawl to is the power outlets every single time. i need to cover all of them pronto

04. before he goes to bed he lays his head on my shoulder while we are cuddled on the rocker and just lays there snuggling with me and it melts me every single time. he is the coziest little boy ever. i am officially obssessed with him